All Aboard for a Day of Trains!

The railroad system brought about the towns of Douglas & Glenrock during westward expansion. Here is a tour for the train lover!

Douglas took its beginnings along the railroad tracks, and trains continue to be an important part of the community’s culture and economy. They’re also reflected in many of the buildings and businesses across the community.

Train Safety: Safety is priority when viewing trains. Please remember to keep yourself and your property clear of the tracks. 

All Aboard!for a Day of Trains.

Alternate Route


Those traveling west toward Casper are encouraged to stop in Glenrock and see the 1911 train bridge that serves as the entryway to the community park. Need a break from the car? Take a stroll down the community pathway, built along the former route of the CB&Q railroad.

Fun Fact: The steam locomotive on display in Douglas was built in Burlington, Iowa in September 1940. It was in service until 1956.

Start Planning Your Visit!

Get ready for an unforgettable experience filled with memory-making moments in Converse County, Wyoming!