Deer Creek Days

Deer Creek Days
Glenrock, Wyoming’s annual Deer Creek Days
Our beautiful downtown park is the center of activity, but there’s something happening in every corner of town. 
2024 Schedule is Here!
The 3 day weekend is filled with a hefty assortment of activities.

Events include:  Art Show, DCD Car Show, Book Sale, Garage Sale, Tractor Pulls, 5K Run/Walk, Ice Cream Social, Kids parade, Craft Fair, DCD Parade, Co-Ed Mud Volleyball, Street Dance, Ranch Rodeo, Pancake Breakfast, Horse Shoe Pitching, Family Movie, 3-on-3 Basketball, Sidewalk Chalk Art, Joe Hand Memorial Golf Tournament, Church Services in the park, Lion’s Club Cookout, Kids Parade, Golf Tournament, Family Lunch Feed, Valentine Car Races, Duck Race, & Jackpot Roping.

There is beyond a doubt something for everyone. For more information, please contact the Glenrock Area Chamber of Commerce 

Glenrock Chamber

Event Information

Event Date 06-28-2024 8:00 am
Event End Date 06-30-2024 11:45 pm
Location Downtown Glenrock City Park